The competition of GAD Thailand Championship
Name of Competition: GAD Thailand Championship
Age grouping and gender by class
- Class A – Male and Female Youth Golfer Age 15 – 22
- Class B – Male and Female Youth Golfer Age 13 – 15
- Class C – Male and Female Youth Golfer Age 11 – 13
- Class D – Male and Female Youth Golfer Age 9 – 11
- Class E – Male and Female Youth Golfer Age 7 – 9
- Class F – Male and Female Youth Golfer Age under 7
Remark * Player can play in the same class if the match organized is still in birth month.
Point Table
The golf competitors who able to earn highest score must enter the competition more than 8 matches form total 12 competition matches. The point from the old class will be follow to new class by the way.
Application deadline and inform the application result
GAD Thailand Championship will be close for application 1 day before competition date or the applicants are up to 144 people, however if the applicants are more than 144 will be reserve for extra.
Golfers who wish to postpone the competition to the next match, must inform in advance 5 days before competition day. GAD reserves the right to postpone for those who are notified by the specified time.
Competition Fee
2,200 Baht (Not including Caddy fee)